Social Media Audits

A social media audit is an in-depth analysis of your online brand through your social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Tiiktok, X, and Youtube). This analysis provides feedback on the strength of your brand, whether your messaging is reaching the right audience, an examination of your content, and more.

Each social media audit is personalized and tailored with recommended actions, feedback, and professional insight to help your online brand work for you.

  • Pulse-Check

    This audit will focus on a single social media account. With a detailed comparative look at your branding, content, and messaging.

    Limit of 2 accounts per platform.

  • Bronze

    An audit of two social media accounts. It will focus on each account individually as well as your overall brand voice.

    Limit of 2 accounts per platform.

  • Silver

    An audit of three social media accounts. It will focus on each account individually as well as your overall brand voice.

    Limit of 2 accounts per platform.

  • Gold

    An audit of four social media accounts. It will focus on each account individually as well as your overall brand voice.

    Limit of 2 accounts per platform.

Virtual Assistant

Feeling overwhelmed by your social media? Let me help!

I am prepared to help you navigate the often time-consuming, and sometimes whacky, world of keeping your social media afloat in the online market. Whether you’re a published author who just needs help keeping a schedule going and building your community growing, or someone looking to build your name and brand at the beginning of your writing career, I want to be there for you.

Community Management

  • Already have content to post? I’ll help make sure it goes live when it’s supposed to! Whether you’re working with a publishing house, or doing it all on your own. I’ll arrange the posting so you can focus on more important things.

  • Want to take your community growth to the next level, but don’t have the time to go through comments all the time? I’ve got you covered! I’ll manage your comments, replies, and help keep people engaged on your page(s).

Content Creation

  • Have a schedule but not sure how to fill it and keep people engaged? I’ll help you craft text-based posts, and guide you in the right direction to filling the gaps of your schedule.

  • We all know a photo, or image, can say a thousand words, but making them can be a real pain! With extensive experience crafting fun, eye-catching static graphics and vertical videos, I am prepared to help give you a leg up on your visual content.

Customized Plan

  • Have an upcoming release? Want to give your backlist a bump? I’ll craft a personalized, multi-platform plan (with accompanying assets) to take the guesswork out of the process.

  • Are you an agent, editor, or publishing freelancer looking to attract more clients? Let me make you a plan that will elevate your approach online!